Elijah talks, he talks to us, to himself, and other kids. He's quite the social man. As far as words go. It's really random and hit or miss. Sometimes I'm like, "did he just say his name?", or "did he really just repeat that?" Nothing is clear - It's all in Eli dialect. But I have the feeling he's going to go from Ni Ni (night night) to "Dear Mother, I'd like to go to bed now, please" overnight.
At Eli's dedication, both sets of parents commented on how unusual it was that Eli was helping dress himself. Really? I had no idea that that was cool. I guess it is. Way to go son, you put your pants on like everybody else, one chunky leg at a time.
He LOVES to play in his room, and if I'm not careful to wedge a washcloth in the door jamb he'll shut me out and him in (ugh, teenagers). He is so proud of his room, and rightly so. It's the first he's had. I'm working on theme-ing it up. But not quite sure as every room in our home needs a bit of Martha-ing. In his room, he'll pull books off the bottom book shelf and dig in his play tubs. He loves to show it off.
As far as awesome new baby tricks, he can show how old he is and point to his hair when asked. Of course, these are only family tricks and friends are RARELY privileged to witness these acts of brilliance. Yesterday at the grocery store, the cashier asked Eli how old he was. I encouraged him, but he just tucked his head into his shoulders and grinned. As I was buckling him into his carseat he proudly shot up his index finger. "Awesome buddy, but a little late."
He moved on from putting things in containers and now loves to stuff things in drawers. He can stack blocks on top of one another 4 high, unless he deems a horse, cow or giraffe is a more appropriate block topper.
He is just barely walking. He took a few shuffle steps last Sunday. And, I have to judge my distance from him very carefully - Too close and he falls into me, too far and he drops and crawls. I am excited for him to begin walking, but I would seriously be happy in this stage forever...or until he weighed 30 lbs...
Elijah had his 12 month well baby check and I got to thinking. He has yet to have a true sick visit. Yay for breastmilk! Though he did have 2 freaking terrifying ER visits, that I would have traded for infinity routine sick visits, oh well. guess we can't choose these things. Eli weighed in at 22 lbs. He got his 5th tooth. And, I'm still debating on whether or not to get him the MMR vaccine. Not because of the autism link, which has mostly been debunked, but because of the ingredients of this vaccine. Such a hard decision. Hopefully we'll feel good about it one way or the other by his 15 month visit. At this last visit, the nurse asked, "Is he making any animal sounds?" To which I replied, "Does roaring count?" Everything roars in our house. It's like it's in his little boy DNA.
It didn't take a trip to the doctor to diagnose Eli with a serious case of Daddy-itis. AKA, Daddy fanatisism, or Daddy Idol. It's known by many names at our house as it is a progressive disease and is ONLY getting worse by the day. From the time Rob gets home in the evening until he falls asleep singing Da Da da da Da Da da Da, Rob is the only one who can hold him. He wants to wear Rob's shoes, eat Rob's food, play with Rob's "toys" and touch anything Rob touches. Enjoy the pics below.
You would think the whole giving birth, tending every need or want would put me a little higher on Eli's list, but no. The little monkey plays favorites. I used to console myself with things like, "well, Rob's taller, that's why Eli wants him to hold him, or "well, Eli doesn't see Rob all day and that's why he's all over him." I've faced the facts and am now resigned to Elijah's preference. Little Rob is a daddy's boy and just like him in most every way. It's that way it should be for now. Hopefully, I'll get a year or two of being his favorite before he goes to school...maybe.
We've stopped nursing. He's now on straight up cow's milk. It was a hard transition for me emotionally, which I didn't expect. But I think Eli did pretty well with it all. He's a trooper.
In other big boy news, Elijah also has his own library card! ooooh.
We're slowly transitioning to 1 nap a day and more nights than not Eli sleeps through the night (YES!!!) though he still ends up in our bed fairly often. Bad habit yes, I know. But try telling that to sleepy 3am Danielle.
Lastly, Eli can give great hugs, complete with back pats. Mmmm, I love that boy!
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