Tuesday, July 26, 2011


We've been able to do a lot of visiting family this summer! Eli seems to be able to sense whenever we arrive that he's with family. He trots off and makes himself right at home. The fact that most the world has Nick Jr., also helps.

Back in May, I took Elijah by myself to visit Rob's family and then mine. We started off with a 6 hr drive to Alamo, GA. I had to run Eli by the pediatrician's office first though for a respiratory infection (remember our 'season of sickness'?) He was wheezing so, the Dr. gave him a breathing treatment in the office. The normal side effect is hyperactivity - Eli's response, he slept the entire way except for a lunch break and a bout of carsickness 20 minutes from arrival that took us both and his carseat down to our skivvies.

We were both spoiled incredibly which came during the perfect time in pregnancy for me. Morning sickness had worn me down to a thread and it was a miracle to have other people take care of my baby and feed me good food that I didn't have to cook! When I returned, Rob said that 7 days was too long for us to be gone. Guess he'll have to argue that one with the Grands.

In July, Elijah and I drove across I-40 to Western NC to visit relatives. It took about 4 hours, but it was so much fun to introduce Elijah to relatives there. Eli also got to meet 3 of his second cousins. We spent a few days helping in their garden and canning some veggies.

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